Friday, April 29, 2011

Brittney's Visit

We had a great visit with Brittney. It was a blessing to have her at our house for a few days. I am SO thankful for her. Brittney was one of our students at Gorman and she and I got really close. She is more like a best friend and little sister to me than a student. We share a very special friendship and I treasure each and every moment I get to spend with her. She is an amazing young lady who loves the Lord and is following hard after Him. I am encouraged by her sweet spirit, strength and faith. I love you Brittney!
We enjoyed hanging out at the house, Target, P.F. Chang's and the New England Aquarium while she was here. We were come of those crazy people who went to the aquarium on spring break week. There were so many people there! She was also able to spend Easter with us. What a special few days we had today!

On the way home from the airport
So sweet
My little soccer man
P.F. Chang's
Dinner out with my kids is an adventure. This night was no different. We were thankful to have a booth at the back of the restaurant where Emet could move around a little bit!
Lettuce Wraps, Yummy!
2 Mommas, 1 17-year old and 6 kids at the aquarium during spring break...we were crazy!
The kids loved it though!

Tie-dying t-shirts
We had a high school girls' sleepover at our house in Durham before we moved. We watched high school musical and made tie-dyed shirts. The girls planned that weekend. We carried on our tradition of tie-dying shirts. Ava loves doing it and it was fun to do it with Brittney again!

Finished products (Emet's was from another tie-dying adventure)
Easter Sunday

I love you Brittney! Thanks for spending spring break with us. You are a blessing to our family and we love you with all that is in us. Thank you for being who you are and for loving us!

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