Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sip, Sip, Sippy

Emet seems to be doing new things each day. He claps when he hears music, or other people clapping. When he eats he is now using the sign for "more," which lets me know I'm not feeding him fast enough. And, just last week he started on a sippy cup. Along with the sippy came the introduction of apple juice! I have to say the first couple of times we tried it, he struggled and got frustrated. Now, he is a champ and will down the apple juice! It is a joy to see him growing and learning new things!

Emet's first attempt with the sippy...

and Ava being the big sister who has to help!

He liked the juice, but couldn't get it out well!
So we resulted to putting the juice in a bottle so he could enjoy it. However, he will now take the juice from the sippy cup and does quite well!

1 comment:

Tracey said...

he is getting so big! i have missed seeing ya'll as much...we'll fix that soon! :)