Thursday, October 6, 2011

Owen is 8 months old!!!

Our sweet little boy is 8 months old. He is such a joy and we love him more and more everyday. He is sitting up and trying to crawl. I found him in his bed sitting up the other day...this was a first. He is eating more solids and even some "big people" food now. He loves his baba (paci) and his bottle. (He prefers the bottle to nursing). He is wearing 6 month clothes or 6-9 month clothes. He is in size 2 diapers. The last time he was weighed he was 15 pounds and 8 ounces...but I can tell he is arms get tired much quicker these days. He likes his jumper and just in the past two days has enjoyed playing in the exersaucer (thanks to the Millers)! He is sleeping great at night these past several days, but HATES taking naps. Oh, it is a battle! Ava and Emet enjoy playing with him and being big helpers. He is such a sweet spirited and happy baby. We love him so much.

1 comment:

CygnetMommy said...

He is gorgeous, Leigh!! It's so interesting seeing the differences in all the kids, isn't it?