Saturday, April 18, 2009

Backyard Bliss

A couple of weeks ago Jon dug some flower beds and mulched them. So, this morning I headed out with Janet, a sweet lady from our church, to get some plants and flowers for our yard. We shopped for a couple of hours and as soon as I got home I got to work. Everything is planted now, Jon finished weedeating and mowing...and now we can enjoy our beautiful back yard!

Emet loves the swing...he'd stay in all day if we'd let him!

Ava is really enjoying the swingset!

Our flower bed around the tree...

and the one next to the house!
If you can see the tall light things, those were a gift from Janet and Larry. They receive solar power during the day and light up at night! So cool! We enjoyed looking at them this evening. What a sweet gift from a very special couple!


Liz said...

looks great y'all! Wow! And thank you for my birthday card(s) and money, so sweet! Love you guys!

Christy Ferrell said...

Leigh, it looks so good!