Monday, December 27, 2010

North Carolina Christmas...Hickory

We had a great week in North Carolina. We spent the first part of Hickory with my parents. It was good to have some time with them and enjoy just hanging out for a couple of days. I was also able to see two of my best friends and their kids, which was also great. We had fun exchanging gifts, visiting the Science Center, shopping and having dinner at Sim's BBQ. Thanks Mom and Dad for a great visit! (Thanks too for letting us borrow your car to continue our journey in North Carolina...what a blessing! We appreciate your generosity!)

Headed to the airport
Watching TV and using his new headphones
There was still snow in Hickory...which Ava loved!
Emet doesn't like the snow as much as Ava!
He did try to pull Jon on the sled though!
Making Cookies
More Wii
My sweet babies
She is so grown up
Love this
Ava and Emet got hand held learning games from Granna and Pops! They love them!

Mom fixed a table just for Ava and Emet.
Science Center...Emet spotted Nemo!
Petting a sting ray
Ava did too
We enjoyed Sims BBQ with my great friends!
I am thankful for Leigh Ann and Kellie and their friendships.
I always enjoy getting to have some time with them!
(Leigh Ann, Walker, Me, Emet, Kellie, Ian, Ava, Davis and Eli)
It's hard to believe that 4 1/2 years ago these sweet kiddos were born.
What a blessing to have great friends with kids the same age.
It will be fun to watch them grow up!
Emet and Walker dancing...they are 364 days apart!
Kids' line dance
My boy
Eli and Ava
I love these girls and am so thankful for them!

Ava, Granna and Emet
Ava, Pops and Emet

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