Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Growing Up Fast

Ava and Emet have both reached big milestones in the past two weeks! Emet gave up his "baba" (paci) and Ava has quit sucking her thumb! We celebrated by rewarding them both for these big events. They each got to choose what they wanted. Emet chose to get a new drum. It's an electric little drum pad equipped with drum sticks...he loves it! I'll post pics of him playing later. Ava chose to have her ears pierced. She has been talking about this for as long as I can remember and I have been telling her she had to stop sucking her thumb before she could get them pierced. A couple of weeks ago, on her own, she decided to stop. She's been wearing a sock to keep from sucking her thumb in her sleep. I'm so proud of my babies!

Getting ready for the big event
Marking her ears
It hurt, and she cried. But, once the pain wore off, she
loved her new earrings and has been showing them off!
Shopping Later


bb said...

Aww! I'm so proud of her. I did the exact same thing with the sock to quit sucking my thumb... I usually woke up with the sock in my mouth! :) Tell her the earrings look beautiful!!

Christy Ferrell said...

wow! big steps!

Catie said...

The sock is a GREAT idea! I am so proud of them! :)