Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Ava and Emet!

We now have a 5 year-old little girl and a 3 year-old little boy. Ava's birthday was May 2nd and Emet's was yesterday, May 4th. We have had a fun few days celebrating our sweet kids. We love these two precious kiddos with all that is in us. They both bless us in so many ways!

Ava loves craft things right now. She got an easel for her birthday. She also enjoys doing gymnastics. She goes to a gymnastics class once a week. She loves taking care of Owen and being a big sister. What I love about Ava is that she looks out for others. She is always thinking of others and wanting to make sure everyone is taken care of. One of the ladies in Target was passing out candy today and she got two pieces. She asked me in the car which one Daddy would want because she wanted to share with him. She is amazing! She is also learning the books of the Bible. We are almost all the way through the old testament. I love this little girl so much and couldn't be more proud to be her Mommy!
Emet is a fun-loving, energetic, sweet little boy. He loves Batman, anything and everything batman right now. I'm not even sure he really knows much about Batman, but according to him, he loves Batman. He is also into sports. Football, baseball, soccer, basketball and hockey...he loves them all. He got a bat and some tee-balls for his birthday. He also got a monster truck that didn't work well and we went to exchange it and ended up with an Ironman mask. He got to choose and that's what he chose. I know he doesn't know who Ironman is, but the helmet is cool I guess! We love Emet's quick wit. He got in trouble for flicking a piece of food at Ava (which she flicked back at him) and he replied as quick as we could say anything to him, "Dad, we were playing hockey." Emet is expressing his thankfulness lately. Without prompting he will randomly tell us, "thank you Mommy for my cake" or "thank you for my dinner." I love seeing this in him. I'm thankful for my little man and love him so much!

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