Saturday, August 22, 2009

Week In Review

Some of the highlights from the past week...

Youth Pool Party...Last Saturday we went to the Faircloth's for a pool party! Thank you John and Valerie for always opening your home to us!

Jon and Emet in the pool!

Ava loves swimming!

Say Cheese!

Emet has started feeding himself with a spoon. This week I got brave and let him feed himself ABCs and 123s. Quite a messy meal for a 15 month old! Cute pictures though!


Emet's first tractor ride!

We kept Precious for Don and Scarlet while they were out of town for a couple of days...she enjoyed the ride Ava took her on!

So Sweet!

I wanted to capture Emet's first time brushing his teeth on camera. Ava loves to get in on the action too!
He is a week and a half away from being 16 months old and he has one tooth that is all the way in and one that is about half way in...I can't believe he only has two teeth! Here he is brushing his teeth for the first time!

1 comment:

CygnetMommy said...

I learned from the day care that the key to successfully feeding toddlers any sort of food with red sauce is to strip them to their diaper. Of course, sometimes it requires a bath afterward, especially if the sauce gets in their belly button.