We were blessed to have my mom come up for a few days. She came up to celebrate her birthday. What a fun few days we had. She definitely got to experience what our day to day lives are like. Here are a few highlights of her time with us!
A trip to the aquarium

The kids love the aquarium!!!

Thanks for the treats
Granna! Ava got a turtle that she named Lucy...and
Emet got a
Nemo fish that he also decided to name Lucy...then Shay-Shay...and now he is calling it

Ava had a baseball game.
Emet wishes he was playing. After the game he ran the bases...

and got himself ready to bat!!!

Mom and Ava
Ava had a great game! She continues to improve and her coach even gave her a game ball!
We are proud of her making the effort to try something new!

Good Buddies and Teammates

Backyard Baseball

Love this face!

Happy Birthday
Granna! We were so glad you were here to celebrate your birthday. Hope it was special and meaningful! We are looking forward to your visit in November. We love you!

Loves cake and ice cream!
Granna's gifts
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