We are about to begin a very exciting journey and our
family will forever be changed…
The Lord began to stir our hearts for
adoption very early on in our marriage.
As newlyweds, we weren’t sure what our adoption would look like, if we’d
adopt domestically, internationally or through foster care. Honestly, we talked about it, knew we wanted
to one day adopt, but it seemed so far off that it wasn’t even a reality…I
sometimes wondered, is this real, or just a dream we talk about?
The Lord has worked in my heart over
the years and continues to burden and break my heart for orphans all over the
world. Adopted for Life, by Russell Moore has been very influential in
burdening my heart even more for adoption.
James 1:27 tells us to look after orphans and widows in their
distress…this is one of my very favorite verses in Scripture. There are so many precious little ones that
are in need of a forever home, 147 million +, and this verse echoes in my head
as I long to see these children find their forever home. What does this mean for our family? What could it mean for you?
I will start with us and where we are
today. Last May we had a conversation
about adoption. At that point we hadn’t
talked much about it in a while. For the
first time we felt our family was at a place where we could make the decision
that, YES, we were ready to move forward and proceed with adoption. We were both overwhelmed and excited. I immediately began to research different
agencies, countries, and explore our options for which route we would go for
our adoption. We felt the Lord pressing
our hearts for international adoption.
After that, there were lots of conversations between me and Jon. I
emailed and skyped with friends who had adopted, or were in the process of adoption.
I talked with a lot of different agencies and asked countless questions about
their different programs and countries. We
prayed and talked as a family for about 3 months before making our final
decision to adopt from China. It wasn’t
easy for us. There were several
countries we felt could be a good fit for us but after those several months of
prayer and consideration, we kept coming back to China. In August, we decided to start making steps
to begin our adoption from China.
We will begin the adoption process in
May and hope to bring our little girl home sometime in the summer of 2014. Are there things that we are concerned about? Absolutely! With any adoption, whether it is
domestic, international or through foster care, there are challenges…there is
no easy way about it. Adoption takes
sacrifice…will it be worth it? YES!!! For us our biggest hurdle will be the
finances. Adoption through private
agencies either domestic or international is costly (for us probably $30,000). Will we make sacrifices to bring her home? We
will, and it will be so worth it. We are
getting creative about how to save money around our house, and our kids are
even on board…from redeeming soda cans to selling things on Craigslist. We are making baby steps to put a dent into a
very costly adoption. There are other concerns families considering adoption
may have: Will our child have attachment issues? Will there be discipline
issues? Will a birth family be involved and make things more challenging? Could
we foster a child for two years and have them placed back with their biological
family? The answer to all of these
questions could very easily be yes…there are many challenges when it comes to
adoption. I haven’t even mentioned the
pages upon pages of paperwork that also comes along with it. In the end we have to ask though, is it all
worth it?
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the
heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption as
sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise
of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved.” Ephesians 1:3-6
“But when the fullness of the time had come,
God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who
were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4-5
“And not only the creation, but we ourselves,
who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for
adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.” Romans 8:23
Think about these verses and what God
sacrificed to adopt us as sons and daughters.
Our sacrifices are nothing compared to the ultimate sacrifice that took
place on the cross, for you and for me.
Sacrificing for our little girl, will be more than worth it. I long for the day we bring her home and can
hold her in our arms. A while back there
was a Sunday where I sat in church and wept for the little lives all over the
world in need of a home, in need of a loving family. My heart continues to break and be burdened
for the 147 million + orphans all over our world. At that moment all the fears and worries that
come with the adoption process were erased and I could see clearly just the
call and need for adoption all over our world.
Will there be difficult days, hard moments…there will. But, I’m ready, we are ready to take on these
sacrifices and challenges for the sake of the Gospel. I’m reminded of God’s sacrifice for us, our
call to care for orphans and widows and I’m ready to bring our sweet girl